
Showing posts from April, 2024

Week 4 | Medicine + Technology + Art |

 Week 4  This week, we examined how science and technology have influenced medicine. I learned in this module that Biotechnology has shifted how we see ourselves. We can now better understand our bodies, our biology, and what makes us who we are. Genetic engineering has opened up the possibilities for treating genetic diseases and enhancing our physical capabilities. Professor Vesna spoke about technology being implemented into hospitals at the beginning of the 20th century because medicine was considered an art. Doctors used fewer tools, and technology was not used. She took the time to explore X-rays. This video talks about the discovery of X-rays and how this process changed the world. X-rays were created 129 years ago by Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen!!!! Before that, we were not able to see details inside the body. Lastly, I did not know that the mathematical definition of the unknown is X-Ray   X-Ray   Biotechnology has shifted the way we understand our bodies. As ...

Event 1 Ivana Dama

  Event 1 Blog 4/17/2024 This was an exciting event. It was about sound. Sound is an auditory sensation produced by the vibrations Professor Vesna discussed during the lecture and at the event's beginning. These vibrations travel through air and water and can be perceived by my ears. Sounds are vibrations and even vibrations we do not hear. These vibrations are below the audible range of my hearing but still exist. This was more about what we do not hear but feel and sense, like molecular and cellular vibrations. I learned that molecular and cellular vibrations play an essential role in the production and perception of sound. Molecular vibrations create pressure and movement in air or water, which can help us detect sound. Human voices and animal voices how we affect each other and how we work with air. Learn on: Find Professional Insights and Tutorials | Udemy Blog Guest Speaker Ivana Dama Ivana is a UCLA graduate of the School of Arts and Architecture in the Design Arts and Digit...

Robotics and Art-Week 3

  Week 3 This week, I learned that robots and art are connected through robotic art, which explores the intersection of technology and creative expression. Robotic art uses robot tools to explore new forms of expression, like that of Dirk the Homeless Robot. This project challenged the traditional norms of art and pushed boundaries, adding real things like human movements, interactions, and automation. . Dirk the homeless robot/ Wong 2017. Walter Benjamin began speaking about mass production systems long ago. He acknowledges that art has changed over time and has been influenced by changing techniques and society's demands. What's interesting is that he wrote this in 1935 during the age of mechanical production. He could already foresee that art would continue to change because technology was advancing. I wonder what he would think now with the advancements in technology and science and how these advancements have influenced art. Arduino boards a motherboa...

Week 2 Blog Art Science and Math

  Week 2 Blog DA One of the highlights was learning about Charles Csuri. I loved that he was an athlete who pursued art. He used the skills he learned from being a football captain, such as determination, problem-solving, and winning, to help catapult him to be known as the father of computer art. He innovated and inspired computer animation. His vision led to the advances we have seen today in art and technology. Accessed 4/7/2024 accessed 4/7/2024 Robotics, as Professor Vesna suggested in her recording, is in everything. Mechanism and the influence of mass production are evident. We look at the printing press and welding assembly lines with robotic arms. All of these areas are influenced by mathematics, art, and science. We learned this week that mathematics has directly influenced art within the areas of linear perspective. We see this in Marc Franz's work on Vanishing Points. Below, we see how this drawing creates an...


Week 1 TWO Cultures This week focused on the separation of two cultures. Reflecting on the intersection of the two cultures of science and art reminded me of the division between art and athletes, which are both sources of inspiration to many people. Both artists and athletes express themselves creatively through their skill and passion. The intersection of art and science is very similar.  However, most would consider themselves athletes and artists. I disagree. I believe it is where creativity and innovative ideas collide and sometimes crash to create new things in the world.  This is similar to Snow's statement, which discusses participating in two worlds. "There have been plenty of days when I have spent the working hours with scientists and then gone off at night with some literary colleagues." (Snow, P2.) I, too, visit both worlds as an athlete, an artist, and a player for me, intertwining to make the very art that excites people. I hang with artists to get their pe...